And a New Year begins…

We have been pretty busy for the past couple of weeks. Both Samantha and Nicole are finally in the same school together. Nicole has gotten over her new school jitters and seems to be very happy. Timothy is going to Sam’s old pre-school in Burke. In fact, the staff still remember Sam and Nicole!
As for extra-curricular activities, the Leungs have something happening every day of the week. Samantha has about 15 hours of Gymnastics per week and Nicole has six. Additionally, Nicole will be starting dance this fall. Timothy is happy to be playing soccer again. All kids are in religious school. So we basically have no weekends, and I will probably miss those Navy football games this year.
And of course, I am now actively seeking employment and am eager to rejoin the workforce. Please keep me in mind if you hear of any employment opportunities. My resume of course is posted at

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